Data API Management Platform

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank • 2022

Project Summary

I led the redesign of the tooling in 3 phases with a focus on improving user performance and content exposure. Three months after the redesign, we witnessed improved task efficiency by 40+%, almost 25% reduction in errors and 33+% increase in end user scale.

What I did

  • User research

  • Competitor Analysis

  • Prototyping

  • Usability testing

  • Dev handoff


  • Product owner

  • Product designer

  • Technical lead

  • 7 Developers

  • UI Designer


The 'engine' of big data implementation

What is data API management platform?

Much like engines that convert resources into mechanical energy, Data API Management Platform transforms data assets into standardised components (APIs), making data fast to consume and easy to manage.

Who are the targeted users?

The platform allows developers to create, consume, manage and socialize data apis. There are 3 user roles. Provider developers create and publish data apis by providing technical information. Consumer developers can request access to published apis, and integrate them in applications and web services, which are eventually consumed by the end users.


3 Pillars of User Pains

User shadowing

Much like engines that convert resources into mechanical energy, Data API Management Platform transforms data assets into standardised components (APIs), making data fast to consume and easy to manage.

Customer support analysis

Much like engines that convert resources into mechanical energy, Data API Management Platform transforms data assets into standardised components (APIs), making data fast to consume and easy to manage.

spent on single publish task averagely by provider developers.



of transaction errors stem from problematic API management process.



of active users are end consumers of data APIs.



Our Goal

Together with product owner, we agreed on a plan to revamp our product in three phrases based on the causal relationship. The success metrics were determined prior to the design based on conservative estimation and controlled experiment.

Phase 1

Improve API publishing efficiency

Reduce time spent on API publishing task by 30%.

How might we effectively improve API publishing productivity?

Phase 2

Simplify API management process

Reduce transaction error related to API management by 20%.

How might we reduce the complexity of API management process?

Phase 3

Build API product community

Increase active end consumer scale by 30%.

How might we effectively improve API discoverability to end consumers?


Improve API Publishing Efficiency

The collection item list had glaring usability issues and needed to be rebuilt to improve user task inefficiency. How might we redesign the collection management list to not only improve usability, but also promote streamlined and powerful collection management experience?

Cluttered form information architecture

The simplistic list view does not surface essential content metadata and doesn't support scan and comparison between items. The absence of order number and low density of items also made it hard to navigate and track for users.

Confusing API parameter table

The collection item list allows users to reorder and delete items manually. This made it unwieldy and counter-productive to manage and maintain collections as editors adjust the list on a frequent basis.


Navigational Form with improved contextual language

Original design

The one pager form is sectioned by logic themes, there is no instructions or guidance.

Lengthy form.

Lack of guidance instructions.

Exploration: Step by step

Step by step guidance provides users with clear instructions and specific order of completion

Clear step instruction.

Users have to follow specific order of completion.

Exploration: Free completion by section

Incorporated sectioning (shown as a sticky bar) with some level of guidance under each section.

Freedom to navigate across sections.

Each section is broken down into smaller tasks.


Interactive tree table with intuitive user actions

Because editors require content metadata to make adjustments to the collection, a table view is more appropriate due to its scalability and the ability to allow quick scan and comparison.

Navigational and search

Added tab and search highlight feature to assist with navigation and tracking.

Improved data display

Number of collection items has doubled in one viewport, with visible order ranking to allow for easier navigation and tracking.

Smart actions

Actions are now clearly visible on each row, and items can be managed in groups.

Surfaced metadata

Relevant content metadata is surfaced to aid editorial decision making.



Form Navigation

Clickable reordering options are integrated into the design. This includes shuffling and sorting, saving users from manually dragging items across viewports.

This design aligns with research finding that streaming consumers would like contents that are randomized or with a logical order in different occassions.

Form Navigation

Clickable reordering options are integrated into the design. This includes shuffling and sorting, saving users from manually dragging items across viewports.

This design aligns with research finding that streaming consumers would like contents that are randomized or with a logical order in different occassions.

Form Navigation

Clickable reordering options are integrated into the design. This includes shuffling and sorting, saving users from manually dragging items across viewports.

This design aligns with research finding that streaming consumers would like contents that are randomized or with a logical order in different occassions.

Intuitive Parameter management

A convenient shortcut to apply actions to a group of selected entries. When multiple entries are selected, the action panel on top of the header is activated, displaying a series of relevant actions.

Despite the common actions, users can also apply shuffle and sort to a consecutive group of items. Items can also be dragged in batch to a specific spot.

The combination of batch actions allows for flexible and micro management of collection lists.

Intuitive Parameter management

A convenient shortcut to apply actions to a group of selected entries. When multiple entries are selected, the action panel on top of the header is activated, displaying a series of relevant actions.

Despite the common actions, users can also apply shuffle and sort to a consecutive group of items. Items can also be dragged in batch to a specific spot.

The combination of batch actions allows for flexible and micro management of collection lists.


40% Reduction in time spent on single publish task

“I publish APIs for hbase data query frequently, the platform has done an exceptional job in API template design, I was able to grasp how it works quickly and the experience has been amazing.”

Provider developer


Simplify API Management Process

Standardizing information display is crucial to building consistent and robust documentation. The current documentation failed to foster code and design understanding due to a lack of logical clarity and distillation in information delivery. Thus there was a clear lack of trust towards documentations across dev and design.

No support for feature onboarding

Many new users requested assistance for onboarding instructions and expressed that learning curve surpassed their anticipations.

Absence of transaction status indication

The customer support team had dealt with a significant amount of transaction error cases by the absence of status indication.


Consolidated Navigation and Feature Description

Clickable reordering options are integrated into the design. This includes shuffling and sorting, saving users from manually dragging items across viewports.

This design aligns with research finding that streaming consumers would like contents that are randomized or with a logical order in different occassions.


Many new users requested assistance for onboarding instructions and expressed that learning curve surpassed their anticipations.


The customer support team had dealt with a significant amount of transaction error cases by the absence of status indication.


API Transaction Table with Clear Status Tag


25% Reduction in transaction errors related to API management

“We used to have frequent issues with transaction tracking especially when there are version changes involved, this major update made it so much clearer. I'm happy to say that we've seen reduced transaction errors thanks to the changes.”

Consumer developer


Future iterations

Design system

The third party design system "elementUI" deployed did not satisfy unique user needs. As the number of customized components increases, it is important to standardize and maintain our unique design system.

Form auto-completion

As metadata usage scales, it's crucial to keep up with usability to surface and display information effectively. Features like horizontal scrolling and expandable rows can be extremely useful.

Expand API management features

One key frustration both end consumer and content editors faced was not knowing when contents become available or out of license. It's time to change the status quo and assimilate this piece of information in our CMS.